Pros and cons of combi boilers

Combi boilers are the most popular boiler type in the UK, with millions of homeowners taking advantage of the convenience and efficiency that they offer to meet their heating needs.

Their rapid rise in popularity has been driven by their ability to produce heat extremely quickly, on demand, with no need for a hot water tank to store water until it is required. This helps homeowners save a significant amount of space in their properties.

If you don’t currently have a combi boiler, but are considering getting one, or do have one but are considering whether you want to stick with the system or make a change, you have come to the right place.

There are numerous factors that go into determining if a combi-boiler is the right choice for you, including the size of your home, the number of occupants, and how much heat you use on a daily basis.

This guide to the pros and cons of combi boiler ownership will hopefully make your decision that little bit easier and put you in a better position when making the choice about which boiler you want to install in your home.

Pros of Combi Boilers


When it comes to producing heat whilst consuming as little natural gas as possible, combi-boilers are second to none. Legally, all combi boilers that are now installed in the UK must be condensing, and have energy efficiency ratings of 90-94%. If you are replacing your old gas boiler with a new combi one, you can expect to receive a lot more bang for your buck and will be able to heat your home at a lower cost that you have previously.

Space Saving

Combi boilers are much more compact that conventional heating systems. There is no need for a hot water cylinder and hot water is produced as and when required upon demand. Combis can be installed in lots of different places due to their relatively small size, including under the stairs cupboards, in the loft, or even in your kitchen cupboard. This allows you to make the most of your indoor space without having to compromise on the efficiency of the heat you receive.

Fast Installation

An expert Gas Safe Engineer will have a new Combi boiler installed much faster than you might imagine. Combi boilers are significantly easier to install that a conventional boiler as there are far fewer external parts and only the boiler itself needs to be installed. This process is particularly easy if you are replacing one combi boiler with another as all the existing internal plumbing can be used for the new system, making it effectively a straight swap.

The ease of installation not only saves you time, but also money as the cost of installing a Combi boiler system tends to be cheaper than other options.

Cons of combi boilers

boiler low pressure

Struggle to run multiple appliances

If you live in a property with lots of other people who are likely to be running showers, hot taps, and other appliances requiring hot water simultaneously, a combi boiler probably isn’t the best idea. Combi-boilers heat water as and when required but too many appliances can increase demand to a level that the boiler is unable to meet.

Struggle with power showers

A combi boiler uses the pressure that is found within the mains water system to provide hot water throughout your property.

Unfortunately, this does mean that it will not produce a stream powerful enough to supply a power shower system which uses a separate pump to produce the higher water pressure that is required.

 Relies on mains water pressure

As we mentioned above, combi boilers utilise the pressure of the mains, meaning that if your mains supply pressure drops, the pressure of your combi boiler does too. This means that no matter what boiler you install, you might find that your showers and taps lack a bit of oomph if your mains supply is not that powerful.

Checking the mains water pressure before having a boiler installed is a great idea as it will help to guard against problems such as these and ensure you don’t end up spending a fortune on a boiler system that is not suitable for your needs.

If you like what you have heard and would like to arrange for a new combi boiler to be installed on your property, get in touch with our expert emergency boiler engineer team today and we will get you sorted in no time. We are always happy to answer any questions that you may have about or boiler replacement services or advise you on which boiler type is best suited to your property based on its location, size, and nature.